Friday, 20 April 2012


In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful…


Yeah. What a long time, since my last entry . haha. I know it. I was too busy enjoying my life. xD  and also, who’s care about my blog right ? Bukan ada yang baca pun. =_=’   So,this kind of thought la yang membuatkan aku malas mau taip-taip. But still, I will update my journey life in this so-called ‘unprivate diary’.  So that, later, in the future, my kids boleh baca how their mum run her life masa muda-muda dulu. Haha ! ayat solehah atau ayat gedik ni ? =_=’

So, lepas kerja beberapa bulan , the exam’s result have been announced. And Alhamdulillah, Thanks To Allah. Aku puas hati . The results are not too excellent, but also not too bad I guess. It just suit with all the effort that I have done.  Penyesalan sebab dulu x belajar betul-betul memang ada laa.. tapi aku redha. Lepas dapat result exam, I decided to resign my job. Ingin menghabiskan masa dengan bermalas-malasan pulak. Bila lagi kan ? =_=’  So, bermula la episod aku menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa tanpa gaji. Buat kerja yang sama hari-hari. Berusaha untuk berbakti. Sementara masih ada hari. Sebelum masuk IPT.  xD

Ok. Enough with the results and resignation.

Now aku sangat la busy dengan buat something new , something different, and something yang dulunya aku memang x mau buat. Contohnya ? err, x da contoh ! kau just bayangkan la, apa benda yang selama ni kau malu buat, then tiba-tiba kau buat infront of people. I mean ‘hundreds of people. =_=’  At first, aku rasa semua ni macam kind of ‘kerja gila’. But, lama-lama aku rasa macam, ‘hey! You know what ? I enjoying doing this!’. Haha. Just like that. I just realized, sebenarnya, trying something new tu memang best ! :D  kenapa la sekarang baru sedar. =_=’              
Other than that, sekarang aku masih  tunggu tawaran yang best-best untuk further study. Semoga Allah permudahkan untuk aku. Aminnn~

p/s: Sepanjang tempoh ‘bermalas-malasan’ ni, bila ingat-ingat semula, aku sedar one thing. After exam hari tu, everything that  happens in my life were run smoothly. Even ada some of thing yang didn’t happen as my plan, tapi everything goes well. Alhamdulillah~ Ya Rabb ! Thanks ! I am so grateful ! 

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